Figure 2.
Asymmetric cell fate marker expression in CD49fHSC daughters. (A) Experimental design. (B) Heatmap of fluorescence dynamics over the complete lifetime of CD49fHSC daughter cells (top). Each row represents a pair of CD49fHSC daughter cells (#1 and #2). Different degrees of symmetric and asymmetric expression of CD33 (332 analyzed cells), CD201 (332), CD71 (520), TMRM (520), CD49c (408), and CD34 (121) between daughter cells are observed and clustered. These clusters 1, 2, and 3 are shown as black, gray, and white in all parts of panel B. (Middle) Mean fluorescence intensities over time of the different symmetric and asymmetric clusters, mean ± SD. Quantification of symmetric and asymmetric daughter cell fate cluster frequencies (bottom). n = 4 independent experiments for CD71, TMRM, and CD34, n = 5 for CD33, CD201, and CD49c. Numbers indicate average paired daughter cell difference per cluster.