Gran-MVs from SS patients display a heterogeneous profile of PGC driven by the uPA/uPAR system. (A) The microvesicle-dependent plasmin generation capacity (MV-PGC) of MVs isolated from SS patient platelet-free plasma, with a low MV-PGC (blue circle), an intermediate MV-PGC (green circle), and a high MV-PGC (red circle), compared with the MV-PGC of MVs isolated from healthy donor plasma (n = 18, purple square). Each patient and healthy control were evaluated in duplicate. (B) Counts of Gran-MVs (annV/CD15), P-MVs (annV/CD41), Ery-MVs (annV/CD235a), and E-MVs (annV/CD146) by flow cytometry in PFP from SS patients with low (<1.5 A405nm × 10−3/min, n = 12, blue square) or high (>5 A405nm × 10−3/min, n = 10; red square) MV-PGC values. Data are mean ± SEM. (C) Flow cytometric detection of uPA (upper graphs) and uPAR (lower graphs) on the surface of CD15+ MVs from SS patients with low (L-SS-MV) or high (H-SS-MV) PGC values (yellow traces). The expression of uPA or uPAR on CD41+ platelet-derived MV was used as a negative control (gray traces). (D-F) Detection by ELISA of uPAR, uPA, and PAI-1 on purified total MVs from SS patients (SS-MVs) divided into 2 groups: patients with low (<1.5 A405nm × 10−3/min, n = 11, L-SS-MV, blue circle) and high (>5 A405nm × 10−3/min, n = 11, H-SS-MV, red circle) MV-PGC values. *P < .05. annV: annexin V; NS: not significant.