Restoration of rCBF to the ipsilateral MCA territory following administration of caADAMTS13 at 1 hour post-FeCl3–induced thrombotic MCAo in mice. (A) Representative laser speckle contrast imaging (LCSI) raw data with defined ipsilateral and contralateral ROIs. (B) Flux values from each ROI were extracted at 1-minute intervals for 5 minutes before and 60 minutes after injection. Shown are representative measurements of ipsilateral and contralateral flux from a single animal in each treatment group. (C) Ratios of ipsilateral and contralateral flux values (plus or minus standard deviation, n = 7) are shown for 5 minutes prior to injection, confirming stable occlusion of the MCA as indicated by flux ratios <0.5 (dotted lines). The times after injection at which the flux ratio breached the 0.5 threshold (indicating recanalisation) are designated by an asterisk. For comparison, the flux ratio from a single animal undergoing sham surgery is also shown (top panel). (D) Representative cresyl violet–stained coronal sections from a single animal in each treatment group used in the determination of cortical lesion volumes. Scale bars, 500 μm. (E) Percentage increase in flux ratio between 0 and 60 minutes postinjection determined for each individual animal; error bars represent mean ± standard deviation. (F) Lesion volumes were determined at 24 hours postocclusion by measuring the area of cell death over 3 to 9 coronal levels; error bars represent mean ± standard deviation. Single comparisons were performed using an unpaired Student t test. **P < .01.