Figure 1.
The 4 AA formulation specifically increased iron flux in duodenal epithelial organ cultures in the Ussing chamber. Net 59Fe flux and conductance were quantified in the presence and absence of combinations of AAs. Flux was significantly higher in the 4 AA group as compared with controls (A); *P < .05; n = 12 for control, n = 11 for 4 AA. Conductance was significantly lower initially and after 30 and 60 minutes in the 4 AA group compared with control fluxes (B); *P < .05, **P < .01. Flux was also measured in the presence of single AAs from the 4 AA formulation (n = 3-5) (C). 59Fe flux was then compared between 4 AAs and 3 AAs (excludes Gln) (D); n = 11 for 4 AAs, n = 7 for 3 AAs. Conductance was also measured during 59Fe flux studies with 3 AAs and 4 AAs (E); **P < .01; n = 16 for 3 AAs, n = 18 for 4 AAs. 59Fe flux was also assessed in the presence of 5 AAs that did not increase DMT1 expression in the loop assays. No change was noted when comparing to control samples (F); n = 12 for control and n = 8 for 5 AAs. These 5 AAs also tightened the mucosal barrier (G); *P < .05, **P < .01; n = 16 for control and 5 AAs. 59Fe flux data were analyzed by nonparametric Student’s t test, while conductance data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA followed by Sidak’s multiple comparison test.