ITP affects specific platelet signalling pathways: proteomics and functional evidence. (A) Protein expression across ITP preclinical models of selected proteins and key players in hem-ITAM receptor (Gp6 and Clec2) signaling are represented. (B) Flow cytometry–based platelet aggregation assays were performed with platelets of the P-ITP model and respective controls at days 4 and 7 after platelet depletion. Studied single receptors by using the following agonists: PMA, botrocetin (Botro); aggretin A (AggA); collagen (Coll); convulxin (CVX). The area under the curve of each aggregation reaction was calculated and plotted after the average in control mice was set to 100, for each condition. The values obtained from platelets from the same mouse are joined by lines. At D4, P-ITP platelets had a homogeneous platelet aggregation profile, characterized by impairment toward AggA stimulation. At day 7, platelets from most of the mice showed a normal platelet aggregation profile, although not all mice had fully recovered platelets at that time point.