Examination of potential liver damage after UMGD. (A) Blood samples were collected from each UMGD-treated dog at multiple time points during week 1 after surgery and then at weekly time points for the length of the study. Several biomarkers were examined to assess liver tissue damage and toxicity: (i) ALT, (ii) AST, (iii) creatinine, (iv) albumin, (v) ALP, (vi) bilirubin, and others (data not shown). Values are plotted with the normal range for dogs indicated in gray. (i) FLR001 was euthanized at 30 days after surgery, and (ii) FLR002 and (iii) FLR004 were euthanized at 60 days after surgery. Liver sections were fixed in 10% formalin, paraffinized, and examined by a pathologist. (B) Slides were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and imaged at 10× magnification with representative images shown here. All liver histology is within the normal range, and these sections show treated LLLs from each dog.