Figure 2.
Comparison of the performance of the models in predicting clinical outcomes. Box plots depicting the performance of the 4 models in predicting death, treatment, infection, and the combined outcome of infection or treatment within 2-year (A,C,E,G) and 5-year (B,D,F,H) outlooks postdiagnosis. In each subplot, the box plots show the quartiles, the median, and the outliers of MCC values obtained using fivefold cross-validation on set A. The scatter plots (single marker for each model) demonstrate the MCC value of the holdout validation on set C. Death (A-B), treatment (C-D), treatment or infection (composite) (E-F), and infection (G-H). *P =.05, ***P =.001.

Comparison of the performance of the models in predicting clinical outcomes. Box plots depicting the performance of the 4 models in predicting death, treatment, infection, and the combined outcome of infection or treatment within 2-year (A,C,E,G) and 5-year (B,D,F,H) outlooks postdiagnosis. In each subplot, the box plots show the quartiles, the median, and the outliers of MCC values obtained using fivefold cross-validation on set A. The scatter plots (single marker for each model) demonstrate the MCC value of the holdout validation on set C. Death (A-B), treatment (C-D), treatment or infection (composite) (E-F), and infection (G-H). *P =.05, ***P =.001.

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