Lollipop plot illustrating TP53 mutational data in this study group. (A) FL AML (n = 354 patients). (B) FL AML-MRC (n = 196 patients). (C) FL t-AML (n = 80 patients). (D) Salvage and treated-secondary FL (n = 174 patients) (salvage depicted by square: treated-secondary FL depicted by circles). (E) Splice site mutations in all types of AML (n = 26 patients). Note: Circles are colored according to the corresponding mutation type. Missense (red circles) mutations are shown above the gene schematic diagram, and truncating mutations, including nonsense (green circles), frameshift (blue circles), and deletion (aqua circles), are shown below the diagram. Splice site mutations are depicted in purple circles. At a given locus, lollipop height is proportional to the number of times a mutation was observed in study subjects. The structural domains of the gene represented in the figure: TAD, transactivation domain (TAD1: residues 1 to 40, TAD2 41 to 60 residues); PRD, proline-rich domain (61 to 92 residues); DBD, DNA binding domain (94 to 292 residues); HD, hinge domain (293 to 325 residues); OD, oligomerization domain (326 to 353 residues); CTD, C-terminal domain (354 to 393 residues).37