Figure 1.
The emergence of monocytosis with aging in community-dwelling individuals. (A) Change in absolute monocyte counts with increasing age for evaluable male (n = 60 088) and female (n = 84 588) participants in the Lifelines cohort. Squares denote means, with error bars representing standard deviations of monocyte counts in the respective age category. (B) Prevalence of monocytosis according to age for the entire evaluable Lifelines cohort (n = 144 676). Bars are colored according to the sex of individuals with monocytosis: male (blue) or female (red). (C) Prevalence of monocytosis according to different proposed cutoff criteria within the entire evaluable younger (<60 years, n = 122 947) and older (≥60 years, n = 21 729) Lifelines cohort.