Mutational spectra for individuals with monocytosis and 1:3 matched control subjects (I). (A) Prevalence of CH among all individuals with monocytosis (n = 167) compared with 1:3 matched control subjects (n = 501). (B) Prevalence of CH according to age for individuals with monocytosis and control subjects. Shaded areas represent 95% CIs. (C) Violin plot showing the distribution in the number of mutated genes for individuals with CH in the monocytosis (red) and control (blue) cohort. Gray rectangles indicate the median number. (D) The mutational landscape for the control (blue, top) and monocytosis (red, bottom) cohort. A darker shade indicates multiple mutations in the same gene. Grouping of samples according to the presence of monocytosis after ∼4 years of follow-up and the presence of peripheral cytopenia or cytosis (supplemental Methods) is indicated. (E-F) Absolute monocyte counts according to the presence of CH in the control (left) and monocytosis (right) cohort. (G) Detection of monocytosis after a median of ∼4 years among individuals with monocytosis and 1:3 matched control subjects. The proportion of individuals lost to follow-up is shown in gray. (H) Prevalence of CH among individuals with monocytosis stratified according to the stability of monocytosis over time and compared with respective 1:3 matched control subjects. (I) Absolute monocyte counts stratified according to the stability of monocytosis over time.