KDM5 inhibition regulates KMT2D target genes and BCR signaling regulators. (A) Heatmap indicating normalized enrichments scores (NESs) of KMT2D and CREBBP signatures in KDM5-inh1–treated cells, following GSEA of RNA-seq profiles using a manually curated database of B-cell signatures. (B) Overlap between KDM5 inhibition–regulated regions in SU-DHL-6 and CREBBP26 or KMT2D bound regions,9,10 with observed/expected and FDR values for the overlaps indicated. (C) Deeptools32 was used to calculate summary scores at the promoters (transcription start site [TSS] ± 500 bp) of genes in each cluster (Figure 3G) plus nonbivalent (H3K4me3+/H3K27me3−) and bivalent (H3K4me3/H3K27me3+) control promoters for ChIP-seq datasets of histone mark deposition (ENCODE/BLUEPRINT) and KMT2D,9,10 CREBBP,26 and EZH2/SUZH1233 binding. The overall direction of change in RNA expression, following KDM5i or KMT2D loss, is indicated for each cluster in the first 2 columns. (D-E) Heatmaps indicating NES following GSEA of the Reactome database in RNA-seq profiles from KDM5-inh1–treated cells (D) and RNA-seq plus promoter H3K4me1 and H3K4me3 profiles from KDM5-inh1–treated WSU-DLCL2/WSU#22−/+ cells (E). (F) Log2FC values of B-cell signaling regulators in SU-DHL-6, OCI-LY-18, and HT cells treated with KDM5-inh1. (G-H) Levels of pERK1/2 (T202/Y204) and ERK1/2 were quantified by western blot in cell lines exposed to 1 μM KMD5-inh1 for 5 days or 1 μM entospletinib for 48 hours (G), with the quantification of 3 individual replicates (H), alongside levels of ERK1 Y204 measured by phosphoproteomics and MEK1 activity quantified by kinase substrate enrichment analysis.34 (I) Activation of SYK was investigated by western blot analysis in SU-DHL-6, OCI-LY-18, and OCI-LY-7 cells treated with DMSO or KDM5-inh1 for 72 hours, followed by anti-IgM F(ab′)2 antibody stimulation for 10 minutes or 1 hour.