Figure 4.
Kaplan-Meier curves for thrombosis and survival scores applied to children, adolescents, and young adults’ population. Survival and thrombosis scores: (A) ELN score and thrombosis, (B) IPSET-T score, (C) IPSET-NT score, (D) ELN score and survival, (E) IPSET survival score, and (F) PV survival score. H, high risk; I, intermediate risk; L, low risk.

Kaplan-Meier curves for thrombosis and survival scores applied to children, adolescents, and young adults’ population. Survival and thrombosis scores: (A) ELN score and thrombosis, (B) IPSET-T score, (C) IPSET-NT score, (D) ELN score and survival, (E) IPSET survival score, and (F) PV survival score. H, high risk; I, intermediate risk; L, low risk.

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