Downregulation of transcripts related to T-cell costimulation, activation, and receptor signaling pathway DAVID annotated functions in SOX11+ nodal MCLs is associated with worse outcome. (A) Venn diagram showing the overlap between the NanoString-based statistically significant downregulated genes in SOX11+ compared with SOX11− nodal MCL (221 genes; blue circle) and SOX11+ compared with RLNs (341 genes; yellow circle). Genes with an adjusted P < .15 were considered. (B) Heatmap showing common 190 significant downregulated genes in SOX11+ compared with SOX11− nodal MCLs and RLNs. Red represents increased scaled expression and green reduced expression. (C) Heatmap illustrating the scaled expression of 124 genes, significantly downregulated in SOX11+ compared with SOX11− nodal MCLs and RLNs, in the previously published data of 34 unpurified nodal MCL (unpurified LN), 4 CD19+ purified cells from the same LN and 15 CD19+ purified cells from the peripheral blood (PB) samples of SOX11+ MCLs (GSE70910). Red represents increased expression and blue decreased expression. (D) Kaplan-Meier curve and Cox regression showing the association of the T-cell costimulation, activation, and receptor signaling score with OS, using 121 nodal MCL cases previously published (GSE93291) (see supplemental Methods). The score was calculated as the average expression of the genes included in the corresponding T-cell ontology functions (supplemental Table 7) by the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) software. High values were defined by Maxstat (cutoff point = 7.6). Log-rank test P value, hazard ratio (HR) with 95% confidence interval (CI), and Cox regression P value are shown. LN, lymph node.