Immune parameters associated with late relapse in the longitudinal cohort. (A) Principal component analysis (using FlowSOM data) of last available samples from patients with (n = 12) or without (n = 25) subsequent tumor relapse, as well as of healthy donors. (B) Frequencies of cell MCs (FlowSOM) in last available samples were compared between patients with or without subsequent tumor relapse. Two of 18 cell MCs were significantly decreased in patients with subsequent relapse. These 2 cell MCs are shown; other MCs (similar in both groups) are shown in supplemental Figure 3B. *P < .05, by Mann-Whitney test. (C) Volcano plots showing differences in immune parameters at the last available time point between patients with or without relapse, assessed by classic manual gating. P-values by Mann-Whitney test. Significantly different parameters between both groups are annotated (percentage cell population is among total CD45+ live cells or among a parent cell subset, when indicated by “/subset”).