Figure 6.
Type 2A mutations. (A) Positions of VWD type 2A missense mutations mapped onto the structure of VWF D1-A1 as it occurs in a tubule. (B) Y87 lines a crevice in the VWD1 domain. The type 2A VWD mutation Y87S would allow solvent into this crevice, potentially disrupting tubule formation. (C) R202 forms intra- and intermolecular interactions with 2 additional VWF molecules denoted in purple and dark teal. R202W, a mutation causing type 2A VWD, would disrupt these interactions. A dashed green line shows a π–cation bond. (D) A1 domain in light pink with residues altered in type 2A VWD colored in dark pink. Leucine residues described in the text are labeled.

Type 2A mutations. (A) Positions of VWD type 2A missense mutations mapped onto the structure of VWF D1-A1 as it occurs in a tubule. (B) Y87 lines a crevice in the VWD1 domain. The type 2A VWD mutation Y87S would allow solvent into this crevice, potentially disrupting tubule formation. (C) R202 forms intra- and intermolecular interactions with 2 additional VWF molecules denoted in purple and dark teal. R202W, a mutation causing type 2A VWD, would disrupt these interactions. A dashed green line shows a π–cation bond. (D) A1 domain in light pink with residues altered in type 2A VWD colored in dark pink. Leucine residues described in the text are labeled.

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