Figure 2.
Protocol for storing RBC units. A total of 6 pools of blood were produced, each from 3 donors to reduce variation. Pools were split so that 1 set was stored under standard conditions, 1 under hypoxic conditions, and a third under standard conditions for end-point rejuvenation. Color coding of units is consistent throughout the data figures: standard storage in black, hypoxic storage in red, biochemically rejuvenated units in blue. At the time points indicated, RBC units were sampled for measurements the day after.

Protocol for storing RBC units. A total of 6 pools of blood were produced, each from 3 donors to reduce variation. Pools were split so that 1 set was stored under standard conditions, 1 under hypoxic conditions, and a third under standard conditions for end-point rejuvenation. Color coding of units is consistent throughout the data figures: standard storage in black, hypoxic storage in red, biochemically rejuvenated units in blue. At the time points indicated, RBC units were sampled for measurements the day after.

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