Cortical perfusion measurements are predictive of stroke outcomes in the iCAT model. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to the iCAT stroke model (60 minutes’ ischemia), with LCSI assessed at 90 minutes’ poststroke onset (stenosis on). Mice were then recovered and assessed for stroke outcomes, including mortality and presence of infarction at 24 hours. (A) Quantification of cerebral perfusion at 90 minutes, grouped according to 24-hour stroke outcome (mortality, infarct/no infarct), with data depicted as the mean ± standard deviation, with statistical significance analyzed by using an ordinary one-way analysis of variance with Šidák’s multiple comparisons test, where **P < .01, ****P < .0001. (B) LSCI examples show flux readouts of cortical cerebral perfusion in the ipsilateral (left; L) and contralateral (right; R) hemisphere at 90 minutes (i) and 24 hours (ii) after stroke onset, with a representative image taken from 1 of all 3 stroke outcome categories assessed (ie, mortality, no infarct, and infarct). Experiments were conducted at ambient temperature <21°C (Site 1).