Figure 1.
Characterization of JMML progenitors generated in pd-JAO system. (A) Schematic representation of the pd-JAO 3D system generation. (B) Time course of pd-JAO 3D structure (upper panel) and pd-JAO derived cells (lower panel) in in vitro culture. Stereomicroscopic images at original magnification 2× and 6.3×. (C) Hematoxylin/eosin staining of fixed pd-JAO 3D structure. Notably, JMML cells are incorporated in the ECM. Original magnification 40×. (D) Violin plot of immunophenotype analysis of pd-JAO-dc at 15 days of the 3D system generation in 13 of 15 patients tested. (E) May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining (20× magnification) of pd-JAO-dc after 15 days of culture. (F) Immunophenotype analysis of pd-JAO-dc collected at 3 different time points from the 3D generation (ie, T1: 1-20 days; T2: 20-60 days; T3: >60 days) For each marker, we reported the percentage of positive live cells. HD-hMSC, healthy donor human mesenchymal stromal cells; tBM, total BM bulk.

Characterization of JMML progenitors generated in pd-JAO system. (A) Schematic representation of the pd-JAO 3D system generation. (B) Time course of pd-JAO 3D structure (upper panel) and pd-JAO derived cells (lower panel) in in vitro culture. Stereomicroscopic images at original magnification 2× and 6.3×. (C) Hematoxylin/eosin staining of fixed pd-JAO 3D structure. Notably, JMML cells are incorporated in the ECM. Original magnification 40×. (D) Violin plot of immunophenotype analysis of pd-JAO-dc at 15 days of the 3D system generation in 13 of 15 patients tested. (E) May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining (20× magnification) of pd-JAO-dc after 15 days of culture. (F) Immunophenotype analysis of pd-JAO-dc collected at 3 different time points from the 3D generation (ie, T1: 1-20 days; T2: 20-60 days; T3: >60 days) For each marker, we reported the percentage of positive live cells. HD-hMSC, healthy donor human mesenchymal stromal cells; tBM, total BM bulk.

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