CITE-seq of EBI constituent cells coupled with IFC demonstrates EBI macrophage heterogeneity and plasticity. (A,B) Bubble plots of mRNA (A) and ADTs (B) comparing classically defined EBI macrophage cluster 9 with the other macrophage/monocyte clusters in the CITE-seq capture, along with erythroid cluster 4 and granulocyte cluster 12 for comparison. The size of the bubble indicates the percentage of cells from each treatment within the cluster expressing the gene or being positive for the ADT, and the color of the bubble represents the average expression level. (C) Comb plot of cells in cluster 9 demonstrates the heterogeneity within EBI macrophage populations in saline solution– and Epo-treated mice. (D) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot of CITE-seq as a reference for the clusters included in the bubble plot. (E) IFC demonstrates positivity of EBI macrophages for Csf1R and Cx3cr1 using the tdTomato-reporter of the corresponding cre models.