Figure 2.
OS of patients by subtype of MCL. Kaplan-Meier estimates of OS for (A) the full cohort of patients with MCL (n = 92) and stratified by (B) MCL vs MCL-AHN; (C) chronic vs acute MCL; (D) de novo vs secondary MCL; (E) normal vs abnormal karyotype; and (F) any vs no PB MCs.

OS of patients by subtype of MCL. Kaplan-Meier estimates of OS for (A) the full cohort of patients with MCL (n = 92) and stratified by (B) MCL vs MCL-AHN; (C) chronic vs acute MCL; (D) de novo vs secondary MCL; (E) normal vs abnormal karyotype; and (F) any vs no PB MCs.

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