Figure 1.
Distribution of ELN risk defining mutations within the Beat AML Cohort. (A) Correlation plot demonstrating relationship of ELN risk-defining mutations. NPM1 frequently associated with FLT3 ITD mutations, both of which were associated with diploid karyotypes. Conversely, adverse-risk cytogenetics and TP53 mutations tended to correlate with each other. Size of circles indicates the frequency (larger circles indicate increasing and smaller circles indicate decreasing frequency) of co-occurrence. Only correlations with P < .001 are displayed. (B) Percentage of patients with no identifiable, 1 identifiable, or multiple identifiable ELN risk–defining mutations. Colored bars indicate percentage of patients with multiple ELN risk–defining mutations spanning different (ie, favorable and adverse) risk groups. (C) Number of ELN risk–defining mutations identified per patient across ELN 2022 risk groups. Red circles indicate cases that were reclassified based on the updated ELN 2022 guidelines. (D-E) Bar plot demonstrating the percentage of patients reclassified according to ELN 2022 risk group (D) and overall (E). Patients listed as ambiguous ELN include 17 patients with co-occurring NPM1 and FLT3 ITD mutations in whom the FLT3 ITD allelic ratio was unknown.