FigureĀ 5.
Gene expression profile of hematopoietic clones with TET2 disruption. (A) Experimental scheme of ultralow-input CFU genotyping and RNA-seq. Enriched BM CD34+ cells collected at 15 months posttransplantation were plated at low density, and CFU-GMs were isolated individually on day 14 of culture. Three CFU-GMs identified as TET2 UA with predicted LOF mutations and 3 CFU-GMs identified as TET2 WT were analyzed via RNA-seq. (B) Heatmap of the Euclidean distance between WT and TET2 UA CFUs from RNA-seq genome-wide expression profiling (top). MA plot of differential usage in exonic regions and splice junctions based on the log fold changes between TET2 WT and UA CFU-GMs. Log fold expression change (M) is depicted on the y-axis and the average normalized coverage (A) generated by the DESeq2 Bioconductor package (middle) is depicted on the x-axis. Two-dimensional principal component analysis of TET2 WT and UA CFU-GMs (bottom). (C) Heatmap of select up- or downregulated genes between WT and TET2 UA-mutated CFUs from genome-wide expression profiling.

Gene expression profile of hematopoietic clones with TET2 disruption. (A) Experimental scheme of ultralow-input CFU genotyping and RNA-seq. Enriched BM CD34+ cells collected at 15 months posttransplantation were plated at low density, and CFU-GMs were isolated individually on day 14 of culture. Three CFU-GMs identified as TET2 UA with predicted LOF mutations and 3 CFU-GMs identified as TET2 WT were analyzed via RNA-seq. (B) Heatmap of the Euclidean distance between WT and TET2 UA CFUs from RNA-seq genome-wide expression profiling (top). MA plot of differential usage in exonic regions and splice junctions based on the log fold changes between TET2 WT and UA CFU-GMs. Log fold expression change (M) is depicted on the y-axis and the average normalized coverage (A) generated by the DESeq2 Bioconductor package (middle) is depicted on the x-axis. Two-dimensional principal component analysis of TET2 WT and UA CFU-GMs (bottom). (C) Heatmap of select up- or downregulated genes between WT and TET2 UA-mutated CFUs from genome-wide expression profiling.

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