POLθ promoted leukemogenesis of HR/D-NHEJ–proficient and HR/D-NHEJ–deficient cells. (A) Clonogenic activity of Lin-cKit+Polq−/− and Polq+/+ GFP+ bone marrow cells expressing GFP (normal) and the indicated oncogenes. Results represent mean ± SD number of colonies; ∗P < .05 when compared with Polq+/+ counterparts using t test. (B) Proliferation of Lin-cKit+ Polq−/− and Polq+/+ bone marrow cells expressing GFP (normal) and the indicated oncogenes. Results represent mean ± SD number of cells; ∗P < .05 using t test. (C) DSBs were assessed by neutral comet assay in Polq+/+ (blue bars) and Polq−/− (orange bars) Lin- mBMCs expressing GFP (normal) and the indicated oncogenes. Results represent mean olive tail moment ± SD; ∗P < .05 when compared with Polq+/+ counterparts using t test. (D) Mean ± SD number of colonies from Lin- bone marrow cells harvested from Flt3ITD;Polq−/− (n=2) and Flt3ITD;Polq+/+ (n=4) mice; ∗P < .05 when compared with Polq+/+ counterparts using t test. (E) Engraftment of BCR-ABL1–positive Polq+/+ and Polq−/− cells in sublethally irradiated syngeneic mice. Results represent the mean percentage ± SD of GFP+ cells detected 4 weeks after transplantation in 10 mice per group. ∗P < .05 using t test. SD, standard deviation.