Figure 3.
Main cytokines and chemokines produced by human monocytes in response to HbS. (A) Heat map representation (linear scale color bar) of the main cytokines/chemokines secreted by human monocytes from healthy donors (n = 4) after incubation with HbS (20 μM), HbA (20 μM), hemin (20 μM), or control for 18 hours. Presented cytokines/chemokines (n = 18 out of 105) are those with a >1.5–increased level in the cell culture supernatant (measured in pooled samples with a membrane-based antibody array, n = 2 per group) after incubation with HbS compared with HbA. (B-I) Relative level of TNF-α (B), IL-1β (C), IL-6 (D), CCL2 (E), CCL3/CCL4 (F), CXCL1 (G), CXCL5 (H), and GM-CSF (I) in the culture medium. ∗∗∗P < .001; ∗∗P < .01; ∗P < .05 by one-way ANOVA.