FigureĀ 2.
Transcriptional reprogramming in lineage-switched and MPAL cases. (A) Heat map showing the top 100 differentially expressed genes between ALL and AML from 6 lineage-switched (LS01, LS03, LS04, LS05, LS06, and LS10) and 2 MPAL cases, ranked by Wald statistics. (B) Enrichment of myeloid growth and differentiation signature in relapse samples (left) identified by gene set enrichment analyses (GSEA), also pointing to downregulation of genes highly correlating with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (middle and right). GSEAs were performed based on data derived from 6 lineage-switched samples. FDR, false-discovery rate; NES, normalized enrichment score. Differential expression of lineage-specific (C) and immunoglobulin recombination machinery genes (D) in lineage-switched and MPAL cases. Error bars show standard error of the mean for lineage-switched cases and ranges for 2 MPAL cases.