FigureĀ 1.
Humoral response to third dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with chronic myeloid disorders. (A) Increased neutralization of Omicron variant pseudotypes after third vaccine dose compared with after second dose. (B) Reduced frequency of patients with detectable Omicron neutralizing antibody response after second vaccine dose compared with after third dose. (C) Neutralizing antibody response against Wuhan and Omicron pseudotype after 2 doses of vaccine showing reduced response against Omicron. (D) Neutralizing antibody response against Wuhan and Omicron pseudotype after 3 doses of vaccine showing reduced.

Humoral response to third dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination in patients with chronic myeloid disorders. (A) Increased neutralization of Omicron variant pseudotypes after third vaccine dose compared with after second dose. (B) Reduced frequency of patients with detectable Omicron neutralizing antibody response after second vaccine dose compared with after third dose. (C) Neutralizing antibody response against Wuhan and Omicron pseudotype after 2 doses of vaccine showing reduced response against Omicron. (D) Neutralizing antibody response against Wuhan and Omicron pseudotype after 3 doses of vaccine showing reduced.

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