Figure 1.
Identification of plasma cytokines altered in wAIHA. Cytokines found significantly changed between HC (n = 36) and wAIHA patients (n = 54) are shown. HC are also compared with nontransfused (nt-wAIHA, n = 24) or transfused (t-wAIHA, n = 24) patient subsets (transfusion status was not available for 6 patients). Transfusion status did not affect significance with the exception of IL-6, which was not different from HC in nt-wAIHA patients. Shown here for visual comparison are the original data plotted on log scale. The geographic mean (equivalent to mean of log-transformed data) and 95% confidence intervals of the mean is shown for each cytokine. Significance bars above data indicate the degree of difference between HC and wAIHA; ∗P <.05; ∗∗P <.01; ∗∗∗P <.001; ∗∗∗∗P <.0001 were determined using t-test for log-normal cytokines, and Mann Whitney nonparametric analysis for nonlog normal cytokines. Supplemental Methods provides the details of statistical analysis of log-transformed cytokine data.