CAR expression, function, and surrounding genomic features at 10 candidate eGSHs. Summary of CAR expression over multiple weekly stimulations, surrounding ATAC-seq peaks, gene presence (including pseudogenes), and expression at all 10 eGSHs. Column 2: Expression in the immediate (Imm.) or day 0, early or day 7, and late or day 14 time points of antigenic stimulation as per data in Figure 2E and supplemental Figure 10C; Column 3: Number of ATAC-seq peaks within 50 kb in activated (A), resting (R), or activated and resting (A+R) state excluding targeted peak upstream (5′) and downstream (3′) of eGSH; Column 4: Presence of targeted ATAC-seq peaks in A, R, or A+R state; Column 5: Presence of surrounding ATAC-seq peaks on one side (upstream/downstream) or both sides of the eGSH within 50 kb; Column 6: Number of genes (coding/noncoding/pseudogene) within 200 kb of eGSH; Column 7: Presence of surrounding genes on one side (upstream/downstream) or both sides of the eGSH; Column 8: Gene expression in T cells (either A or R); Column 9: Average gene expression level of surrounding genes, <100 = Lo and >100 = Hi, according to supplemental Table 2. The GSHs are highlighted with colors based on their CAR T-cell functional activity over time, considering expression and proliferation over 14 days as per the key. A, activated; A+R, activated and resting; exp, expression; Hi, high; Lo, low; Imm., immediate; N, no; ND, not detected; R, resting; Y, yes.