Telomere defects in HT1080 Apollo KO cell lines. (A) Quantitative analysis of TIFs in the 2 HT1080 Apollo KO clones and WT cells. (WT: n = 88, KO #1: n = 55; KO #2: n = 66). (B) Quantitative analysis of telomeric aberrations detected by FISH. Percentage of events per chromosomes (counted chromosomes: WT: n = 715; KO #1: n = 887; KO #2: n = 528). Averages and χ2 tests were applied to compare Ctl with either P1 or P2. (C) (Top) Detection of the shortest telomeres by TeSLA performed in WT HT1080 cell line and in the 2 Apollo KO HT1080 cell lines #1 and #2. (Bottom) Graphic representation of TeSLA data with statistical analyses. A 2-tailed student t-test was used for statistical analyses of band size and a χ2 test was used for analysis of fraction < 1kb. (D) Measurement of G-overhang signal by native (Nat) versus denatured (den) in-gel hybridization method with C-rich telomeric probe in WT and Apollo KO #1 HT1080 cell lines. The value of the 3′ overhang was normalized to the control. Values after correction for the effect of the telomere length are also indicated (noted MTL*Nat/den). (E) Telomere length determined by telomere restriction fragment (TRF) assay with DNA from the WT and the Apollo KO HT1080 cell lines #1 and #2. **P < .01, ***P < .001, ****P < .0001.