Comparative proteomics reveals highly distorted proteome of KLF1+/E325K cells. (A) Erythroid cell population types in (i) expanding (day 0) WT and KLF1+/E325K and (ii) on day 2 of differentiation. (B) PCA of comparative quantitative proteomic data for WT (red) and KLF1+/E325K (blue) during expansion (day 0; triangles) and on day 2 of differentiation (circles). (C) Volcano plots show significantly differentially expressed proteins in WT and KLF1+/E325K during (i) expansion (day 0) and on (ii) day 2 of differentiation. P-value(-log10) is plotted against the log2(KLF1+/E325K/WT). Vertical red lines indicate ±1.0 log2 fold change. The horizontal red line indicates significantly differentially expressed proteins (P = .05 before logarithmic transformation). Yellow proteins passed P = .05 and red proteins passed P = .05 and also had a ±1.0 log2 fold change or higher. Proteins passing false discovery rate calculations (FDR) are shown as triangles, those that failed as circles.