Figure 1.
Comparison of overall survival and posttransplant survival of patients with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) stratified by race (Black African American vs non-African-American∗). ∗95% Caucasian. (A) Overall survival of 1354 patients with PMF stratified based on race (Black AA vs non-AA [95% Caucasian]). (B) Posttransplant survival of 76 patients with PMF stratified based on race (Black AA vs non-AA [95% Caucasian]).

Comparison of overall survival and posttransplant survival of patients with primary myelofibrosis (PMF) stratified by race (Black African American vs non-African-American∗). ∗95% Caucasian. (A) Overall survival of 1354 patients with PMF stratified based on race (Black AA vs non-AA [95% Caucasian]). (B) Posttransplant survival of 76 patients with PMF stratified based on race (Black AA vs non-AA [95% Caucasian]).

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