Figure 3.
EHBP1L1 promotes nuclear polarization during terminal erythroid maturation. (A-B) Lin−Ter119−CD117+ erythroid progenitors from control and Ehbp1l1−/− embryos (n = 3) were differentiated as described in the “Materials and methods” section. Representative flow cytometry plots of PI− cells are shown. The percentages of Hoechst 33342− cells among Ter119high cells are shown in a bar-dot plot (B). The data are representative of 2 independent experiments. (C-E) FLCs from control and Ehbp1l1−/− embryos (E17.5, n = 7 pooled from 3 independent experiments) were analyzed using imaging flow cytometry. A representative flow cytometry plot of Ter119highHoechst 33342+CD44low orthochromatic erythroblasts is shown (C). Representative images of enucleating cells are shown (D). The average Δcentroid of the cells gated in the pink square in the flow cytometry plot is shown in a bar-dot plot (E). The data are presented as the means ± SEMs for panels B,E. ∗∗P < .01 (unpaired t test with Welch’s correction). BF, bright field.