Impact of translocations on PFS. In all treatment arms (A), the presence of at least 1 unbalanced and/or balanced translocation (solid lines) was associated with significantly shorter PFS compared with patients without translocations. In the pooled venetoclax arms (B), the presence of only balanced translocations (green curve) was associated with shorter PFS compared with patients without translocations (blue curve). Patients with unbalanced translocations (red curve) also had significantly shorter PFS than patients without translocations. Patients with CKT and translocations (C) (dark gray curve) but not patients with CKT and no translocations (red curve) had shorter PFS than patients with nCKT. Looking at more specific translocations in the pooled venetoclax arms, patients with translocations involving chromosome 8 (D) (red curve) had shorter PFS than patients without these translocations. A similar association was observed for translocations involving chromosome 18 (E). TL, translocation; t(8;x), translocation involving chromosome 8; t(18;x), translocation involving chromosome 18.