Genetic profile of patients on venetoclax therapy. (A) Swimmer plot for 11 evaluated patients with CLL who received venetoclax, showing treatment received before and after initiation of venetoclax. Venetoclax treatment shown in green for CLL6 at 36 days is not scaled. For all other patients, days from venetoclax is per scale as defined on the x-axis. (B) Co-Mut plot representation of individual mutations and copy number aberrations present in 11 patients with CLL as derived from WES data. Half-filled squares in different colors represent distinct mutations. Mutations written in black are recurrent nonsynonymous mutations, whereas those in green are nonsynonymous mutations acquired in a single patient. (C) GISTIC plot of genomic regions with CN gain (red) or loss (blue) for 22 autosomes (y-axis) with −log(q-values) on the x-axis. (D) Visual validation of chromosomal segment loss and gains in integrative genomic viewer at the progression time point on venetoclax for all 11 patients. Blue indicates segment loss and red indicates segment gain.