Figure 1.
Box plot showing doxorubicin clearance and steady-state concentrations across all cycles. Range of doxorubicin clearance (A) and doxorubicin steady-state concentration (B) per cycle in all patients. For patients with normal bilirubin, each box represents 50% of the data, with the median value displayed as a horizontal line. The line extending from the box represents the normal range (± 1.5 times the interquartile distance). Open circles represent patients with normal bilirubin that are outside the reference range. Patients with elevated bilirubin are represented with colored circles. Numerical values beside each colored circle are bilirubin levels at the start of that cycle. The number of determinations for patients at each cycle is C1 = 49; C2 = 52; C3 = 45; C4 = 52; C5 = 50; C6 = 47.