Figure 1.
The knockdown or inhibition of HDAC1 downregulates IRF4 and PIM2 expression in MM cells. (A-D) RPMI 8226, MM.1S, U266 cells were transduced with shLuc (control shRNA targeting luciferase), shHDAC1 (#1, #2), or HDAC3 (#1, #2). Total RNA or whole cell lysates were extracted from transduced cells, followed by each assay. (A) RNA-seq was performed using the RNAs extracted from HDAC1-knockdown (shHDAC1 #1) or control RPMI 8226 cells. RNA-seq expression data shows as a volcano plot selected based on >20.5-fold changes (x-axis) with adjusted P < .05 (y-axis). (B) Total RNA extracted from HDAC1-knockdown RPMI 8226 cells was subjected to Q-PCR. GAPDH served as an internal control. Values represent the amount of mRNA relative to shLuc control, defined as 1. Error bars show the standard deviation (SD) of triplicates. ∗∗∗P < .001 from the control; the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test. (C-D) The whole cell lysates extracted were subjected to immunoblotting using the indicated antibodies. β-Actin served as a loading control. (E) RPMI 8226 cells were transduced with either HDAC1-FLAG cDNA or Empty as a control by a retrovirus. Cells were further transduced with either shHDAC1 #1 (targeting 3′ UTR of HDAC1) or shLuc. After puromycin selection, cell viability for 48 hours was assessed by the CCK-8 assay. The cell growth rate in RPMI 8226 cells induced Empty or HDAC1-FLAG cDNA with the shLuc set as 100% for control. ∗∗P < .01 significantly different from the transduced cells with Empty cDNA with shHDAC1; the Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison test. The whole cell lysates extracted were subjected to immunoblotting using indicated antibodies. β-Actin served as a loading control. (F-G) RPMI 8226 cells (F) and primary CD138-positive cells (G) were treated with LBH589, MS-275, or BG45 at the indicated concentration and time course, and whole cell lysates were then extracted from treated cells and subjected to immunoblotting using the indicated antibodies. β-Actin served as a loading control. Relative expression levels of each target, which are normalized to its loading control, are shown below for each immunoblotting image.