Figure 1.
Analysis of possible aVWS predictors. (A) The VWF:GPIbM/vWF:Ag ratio shows the best predictability compared to the other investigated parameters. The HMWM ratio is presented in bold as test reference for aVWS diagnosis. (B) VWF:GPIbM/vWF:Ag ratio shows a significant correlation with HMWM. The red dashed lines represent the 95% prediction interval. Regression line: y = 0.4337093 + 0.4791361 × x.

Analysis of possible aVWS predictors. (A) The VWF:GPIbM/vWF:Ag ratio shows the best predictability compared to the other investigated parameters. The HMWM ratio is presented in bold as test reference for aVWS diagnosis. (B) VWF:GPIbM/vWF:Ag ratio shows a significant correlation with HMWM. The red dashed lines represent the 95% prediction interval. Regression line: y = 0.4337093 + 0.4791361 × x.

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