Among cytoskeletal and anchorage proteins, tubulins and septins are modified in content upon splenectomy. RBCs from patients, either spl (filled circles or semifilled circles for intrafamily comparison) or nonspl (open circles), and RBCs from CTLs (dark blue dotted line, CTL ratio) or a healthy splenectomized adult donor (red dotted line) were assessed by differential quantitative mass spectrometry for cytoskeleton and anchorage complex protein membrane association. (A,B) Volcano plots of ghost membranes for cytoskeletal and anchorage complex proteins (extension of Figure 2A-B). Volcano plots show the log2 of the fold changes (logFC) and the adjusted P values associated with the splenectomy effect. Proteins showing a negative or a positive logFC have a lower or higher expression level in splenectomized patients, respectively. Proteins above the dotted line show a significant difference (P < .05) in the splenectomized patient cohort as compared with the nonsplenectomized one. (C-F) Tubulin α 1b (TUBA1B), TUBB4B, TUBA4A, and regulator of microtubule dynamics protein 3 (RMDN3) membrane association. (G-J) Septins-2, -7, -8, -11 ghost membrane association.