Figure 2.
NFIX loss perturbs abundance of multiple hematopoietic progenitor cell clusters. (A)(i) UMAP plot comparing Nfix+/+ and NfixΔ/Δ cell clusters; (ii) Visualization of 2D KDE, with the resulting contour lines superimposed on UMAP plot shown in (i). ∗P value <.05; and (iii) Three-dimensional visualization of the KDE, with the resulting density map superimposed on top of the UMAP plot shown in panels i-ii. Arrowheads indicate significant differences between LT-HSC, MKP, GMP, and MEP clusters. Arrowhead colors correspond to clusters indicated in panels i-ii. (B) Bar plot of the percentage of cells assigned to each cell type. ∗P value <.05. (C) Representative GSEA results for LT-HSC.1 (top) and LT-HSC.2 (bottom). (D) Schematic of shifts in abundance of HSPC subsets following the loss of Nfix. GSEA, gene set enrichment analysis.