Sequencing analysis and demographic and clinical characteristics of 581 patients with ischemic stroke from the PROSCIS-B study with respect to CH status. (A) Number of patients stratified by the number of detected mutations. (B) Histogram of VAF. (C) Gene-specific somatic mutation prevalence in 581 patients of the PROSCIS-B cohort. (D) CIRCOS plot ( visualizing the comutational spectrum of the PROSCIS-B cohort. Segment length depicts number of patients with mutation(s) in the respective gene. Multiple mutations in the same gene are not considered. Ribbons depict the frequency of co-occurrence of 2 gene mutations in the same patient. (E) Age distribution of the PROSCIS-B cohort of CH-positive and CH-negative patients. (F) CH prevalence according to patient age. (G) CH prevalence according to etiological cause of stroke, as defined by the Trial of ORG 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment criteria. Point size visualizes patient number, and color visualizes median age of the group.