Figure 3.
Comparison between Evi1KI/+ and Evi1+/+ mice. (A) Body weight of male and female Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ mice. Values are the mean ± SEM of each group (male Evi1+/+, n = 9; male Evi1KI/+, n = 8; female Evi1+/+, n = 10; and female Evi1KI/+, n = 6). In male mice aged between 5 and 7 weeks, Evi1KI/+ mice had significantly lower body weights than Evi1+/+ mice. In female mice aged 5 weeks, Evi1KI/+ mice had significantly lower body weights than Evi1+/+ mice. (B) The photograph shows the right palm of Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ mice. D3/palm was calculated by dividing D3 length by palm length. D3/palm of Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ age- and sex-matched littermates (Evi1+/+, n = 7; Evi1KI/+, n = 7). There is no significant difference between Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ age- and sex-matched littermates. Threshold significance level, P = .05 (2-tailed Welch t test). Underlined numbers denote the P value. Values are the mean ± SEM of each group. WT, Evi1+/+ mice; KI, Evi1KI/+ mice.