Molecular heterogeneity of immunophenotypically defined progenitor compartments. (A) Schematic presentation of the data in the figure. (B) FL CS22 UMAPs of ADT expression of single surface markers; red represents high expression and blue low expression. (C) Transcriptional cell states captured for immunophenotype-gated populations are shown within the contours on the FL CS22 UMAP. Pie charts show percentages of the different molecular clusters within each immunophenotype-gated progenitor. Colors represent the cluster colors, defined in Figure 1B. (D) PCA of pseudobulked ADT-gated cell populations using the top 500 variably expressed genes. (E) Combined PCA of pseudobulked ADT-gated cell populations and clusters (defined in Figure 1B), top 500 variably expressed genes. (For immunophenotypic definition of populations, refer to “Materials and methods”).