Culturing of CD34+ cells from the bone marrow of patients with MPN and RNA expression. (A) Microscopic images of the CD34+ cells isolated from the bone marrow of patients with MPN over the 15-day culture period at original magnification ×20. Notice the formation of MKs indicated with a red arrow. (B) Flow cytometric analysis of cell-surface markers to confirm the production of MK and platelet fractions after 15 days of culture of CD34+ cells from healthy cord or peripheral blood or MPN patient bone marrow sources. (C) Megakaryocytic RNA: cell culture from fresh patient bone marrow–derived CD34+ cells then differentiated over 15 days into MKs (n = 8). All RNA expression is normalized to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and expressed as a log2 fold change. Bonferroni adjusted P values, ∗∗P < .01; ∗P < .05.