Effect of ASO treatment on hepatic mRNA and plasma levels of HRG and FXII. (A) Liver mRNA levels were quantified in rabbits that were given a 4-week course of treatment with the control, HRG, or FXII ASOs and compared with the levels in rabbits given saline. FXII (red bars) and HRG (blue bars) hepatic mRNA levels are plotted as percentages relative to those in the saline-treated rabbits. Bars represent mean ± SD from 6 to 8 rabbits per treatment group. ∗∗∗P < .001 HRG mRNA levels compared with those in saline controls. ###P < .001 FXII mRNA levels compared with those in saline controls (one-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak method). (B) Plasma levels of HRG and FXII after ASO treatments were quantified via immunoblot analysis using peroxidase-labeled sheep antihuman HRG antibody and peroxidase-labeled goat antihuman FXII antibody, respectively. Representative image from 4 blots. (C) Bands from panel B were quantified via densitometry. ∗∗∗P < .001 comparison of FXII levels in saline controls. ###P < .001 comparison of HRG levels in saline controls. Bars represent mean ± SD from 6 to 8 rabbits per treatment group (one-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak method).