Figure 4.
HRQoL for patients with 0 or 1 and ≥2 geriatric impairments at baseline. Mean scores and 95% confidence intervals (vertical lines) are given for subscales that show differences according to the number of geriatric impairments at baseline (T0), after 12 induction cycles (T1), 15 months after randomization (T2), and 12 months after completion of protocol treatment (T3). The star (∗) represents cross-sectional significant differences (P < .005) for patients with 0 to 1 and ≥2 geriatric impairments. The P value represents the two-way interaction between the number of geriatric impairments and time. The P values for time and the number of geriatric impairments are depicted in supplemental Table 7. The remaining subscales are depicted in supplemental Figure 7.