Insertion site and multipotency analysis. (A) Proportional contributions of gene-modified cell clones to the full population. Integration sites are named by the nearest gene (listed to the right). Gray indicates pooled low-abundance clones. (B) Longitudinal analysis of clonal diversity as measured using the Shannon index. Values are shown for each patient for each cell subset sampled (key below). (C) Longitudinal progression of pluripotency, measured using the multipotency index applied to the most abundant 100 clones, for which measurement is most reliable (described in detail in supplemental Data Analysis). The x- and y-axes both show the evaluable samples for each patients, and the colored tiles on the heat map show the extent of sharing between samples from the same patient. The diagonal from lower left to upper right shows the sharing of each sample with itself, which is 100% identical. The sharing between different time points is shown by the color code on the right.