Landscape and presumed role of somatic variants in CLL-associated genes during early MBL development and progression from MBL to CLL. (A) Oncoplot indicating the impact of each of the variants identified. Variants below 3% VAF are indicated with a striped pattern and are only shown if validated through ddPCR. IGHV mutational status and cytogenetic aberrations are indicated for each patient. Cytogenetic aberrations are only available for diagnostic samples. TP53 and BIRC3 are shown to highlight the absence of somatic variants in these genes in the (pre)MBL stage. For further information on the identified variants, see supplemental Table 3. (B) Overview of the putative role of variants in the indicated genes. Variants with a putative role during the earliest stages of MBL development (left) are contrasted to variants with a putative role during progression from MBL to CLL (right), based on data from our cohort and literature. Variants with uncertainty (limited support from literature and/or our cohort) are indicated in parentheses.