Clustering analysis and signatures of thrombus formation with hematologic parameters. Thrombus formation and hematology data were obtained from 31 patients, family members, and control subjects. (A) Unsupervised clustered heatmap of scaled thrombus parameters (P1-8) per microspot (M1-6) with added hematologic parameters (WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, PLT, MPV, RDW, and P-LCR). Shown are subtraction values per patient/family member vs the mean of CCFs. (B) Rearrangement of patient order according to decreasing thrombus signature (ΣP2-6 for M1-3 and M5-6). Microspot M4 with missing data was excluded from the thrombus signature analysis. Color coding indicates a decrease (green) or increase (red) in comparison with those of CCFs. AR, autosomal recessive; CH, compound heterozygosity; PLT, platelet; RBC, red blood cell; WBC, white blood cell.