Principal component-based ranking of main microspot parameters separating index patients with bleeding or oculoalbinism. Based on the clustered plots of all compared data sets (supplemental Figure 6A) and the parameters mostly contributing to components 1 or 2 (supplemental Figure 7), the mean parameters of microspots from M1 to M3 and M5 were integrated and ranked, together with hematologic parameters of blood cell counts (WBC, RBC, and PLT). Plotted is the rescaled narrowed data set, ranking individual patients (Pat01-31) and controls (CCF01-05) according to decreasing ΣMΣP values. Shown as sidebars are (1) the order of patients (brown color, lowest); (2) mean defects in platelet aggregation (LTA, scaled for ADP, collagen, epinephrine, and ristocetin); (3) mean defects in secretion marker exposure by flow cytometry (FlowCyt) to estimate SPD (thrombin-induced P-selectin and CD63 expression); (4) bleeding phenotype; (5) oculoalbinism phenotype. Color codes: dark red, severely impaired; white, within the control range; gray, reported phenotype. n.d. = not determined.