Box plots displaying the SSC ratios of marrow cells in patients with VEXAS syndrome and in controls. SSC ratios of (A) neutrophil precursors, (B) monocyte precursors, (C) erythroid precursors, and (D) mature neutrophils in VEXAS syndrome marrows (n = 26) compared with those of the entire control group (n = 106), using SSC intensity of CD4+ T cells as an internal control. (E) SSC ratio of neutrophil precursors in marrow samples of patients with VEXAS syndrome (n = 26) compared with that of the entire control group (n = 106), using SSC intensity of mature neutrophil instead of CD4+ lymphocytes as an internal control. (F) SSC ratio of neutrophil precursors in marrow samples of patients with VEXAS syndrome compared with that of subgroups of marrows in the control cohort, including non-VEXAS syndrome marrows with vacuolated cells, marrow samples of patients with aplastic anemia, marrow samples of patients with MDS UBA1-WT, and marrow sample of patients with other conditions (stressed marrows). (G) SSC ratio of neutrophil precursors in marrow samples of patients with VEXAS syndrome with MDS compared with marrows from those with MDS UBA1-WT (P < .0001) and non-MDS VEXAS syndrome (P = .55). In each graph, the boxes show median and lower and upper quartiles, and the whiskers show the full range of the data. Individual data (black dots) are superimposed on the box plots. ∗∗∗∗P < .0001 when SSC ratio of neutrophil precursors in each subgroup is compared with those of marrow samples of patients with VEXAS syndrome.